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The Fact Is…

One of the major interfaces to extend functionality with Puppet is the use of Facter and custom facts. A fact is a key/value data pair that represents some aspect of node state, such as its IP address, uptime, operating system, or whether it’s a virtual machine. Custom facts are able to provide catalog compile time data to the puppet master to customise the configurations for a specific node (using PuppetDB, this data becomes available even when you’re doing things elsewhere). Facts are provided by Facter, an independent, cross-platform Ruby library designed to gather information on all the nodes you will be managing with Puppet.

For an example of using a custom fact within Puppet, you can use this data in the context of a catalog compile to make a decision about the catalog that you sent back to the node. A fact that tells us the node’s operating system could cause some conditional logic in a class that tells the node the right set of packages to use to configure ntp on that particular system. Because the package names differ between Linuxes (let alone between Linux and Windows), this fact simplifies ntp configuration. Alternatively, you could use the $::ipaddress fact to customise the appropriate listen directive in Apache or SSH.

Stronger DevOps Culture with Puppet and Vagrant

DevOps is a lot more than configuration management. DevOps is all about developers working more closely with operations to address business needs quickly, while keeping everything stable and running. Formalizing configuration management with a tool like Puppet is a big step towards this collaboration between developers and operations, because the process is formalized, can be version controlled, and offers a single point of truth for the configuration of environments.

Vagrant is another tool to help your organization transition to a DevOps culture. Vagrant also helps improve your entire workflow of using Puppet, improving development and process for both developers and operations.

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about using Vagrant effectively with Puppet, and how it helps your organization work more efficiently in the process. I gave a talk at PuppetConf on advanced Vagrant usage with Puppet, and I’ve written an article for InfoQ on transitioning to a DevOps culture. This blog post will be a mix of both of those topics.